Oh! Happy Days...
If you found a nickel,
you could buy a candy bar
and a dime would buy a comic book.
A ride on a Merry-Go-Round cost only 5 cents.
Milk, in quart size glass bottles, were delivered to your door
Large blocks of ice were delivered to your home and
placed in the top section of your family ice box.
People seemed to be moving in low gear... With no big rush at all.
America Was At War...
The United States was
seriously involved in World War II,
The American families were proud of the military, they
supported the war effort by collecting things
that could be recycled into military necessities.
Food, gasoline and tires were rationed.
Everyone was proud to sacrifice
for their country and for their
military men and women.
It seemed that everyone was an America Patriot.
The radio news reports, the newspapers and the movie newsreels,
kept Americans informed of the war progress.
Every boy could hardly wait until he became of age
to join the military, to serve the USA.


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